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Mission Trips

Mission trips to the area of Orica are critical to our overall mission.  Although our medical clinic (the New Hope Clinic) is located in San Francisco de Orica, the 53 villages that we serve are spread throughout the municipality of Orica.  Most of the villagers do not own cars and must walk many miles over dusty dirt roads to reach our clinic.


Although the villagers are aware of our services and will readily make the trip for emergencies, they do not make the trip for regular check ups or wellness check ups.  It is important for us to go to them to introduce the doctor and let them know about the help that is available to them in the clinic.


Each year, several of our sponsoring churches make the long trip to Honduras to do just that.  The following paragraphs describe a typical mission trip though each trip will vary depending upon the areas of ministry and expertise found within the mission team.

On a typical week-long medical mission trip, a mission team may visit 4 to 5 different villages to see patients where they live.  They set up shop in the local school for the day and do basic medical testing.  They check their blood pressure and identify patients that need a follow up appointment with the clinic doctor.  They will perform blood glucose testing and identify patients who are likely diabetic.  These patients are also strongly encouraged to follow up with the doctor at the clinic.  If a dentist has joined the mission trip, he or she will do oral exams and repair minor problems.  If a qualified doctor or nurse is on the team, he or she will also perform private pap screenings for the women of the village.  The team provides reading glasses to those whose eyesight is starting to weaken.  The villagers are most appreciative of these services and will often wait in line for several hours to recieve care.

Of course, the children are never forgotten.  They are very excited to see our mission teams and they  shower them with love.  Upon the team's arrival, the children immediately gather around the group just to be near.  They quickly begin to show the youth leaders games they like to play as a group and they hold hands with the children workers to teach them.  In turn, the team will teach the children the importance of not littering and they organize community clean up efforts with the children in the lead.  Soccer is a favorite game and the youth leaders play soccer and often provide the school with a few new soccer balls for future fun.  Arts and crafts are also enjoyed throughout the day and this is a luxury the children do not often get to enjoy so it is well received.

Some mission teams also work in local buildings or facilities painting and making repairs or improvements as needed.

Of course, through all that is done, the missions team work to reflect God's love and grace.  Bibles are handed out to the villagers and God's word is shared to anyone who will listen.  Often, a Bible school is conducted for the children to share the gospel further.

By the end of the mission trip, the team is often tired but far more blessed than when they began.  New friends have been made and lasting relationships have been developed between the mission team and the community residents.  Most team members know that they will return to Honduras again.  filled with people who worship our God and whose love for family and others is strong.

Please note that mission trips are not organized by the Foundation for International Missions.  They are organized through various churches and FFIM provides support and contact information.  Every trip and every team is unique and God uses each opportunity in different ways.   


If you would like to organize a mission trip through your church or organization, please read the information on our Bunkhouse page and fill out and return our Bunkhouse/Mission Trip Application.

Watch a video of a recent mission trip.

2016 - Faith Community Church, Seminole, FL

2016 - First Presbyterian Church, St. Petersburg, FL

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