The New Hope Clinic
The New Hope Clinic is a health clinic established by the Foundation within the municipality of Orica , Honduras . On January 14th, 2010 the clinic facilities moved from a temporary, rented location to the newly constructed clinic located on 6 acres of property acquired by the Foundation For International Missions in San Francisco, Honduras. The building of the new clinic and it's operations are fully funded and directed by The Foundation for International Missions. Staff salaries are also funded by FFIM. The only other healthcare clinic in Orica is a government-sponsored center that sees a limited number of patients and is frequently without medications and supplies. The vision of the New Hope Clinic is one of ministry to the whole person, not just the person’s health.

The clinic has a small, full-time staff led by Dr. Cesar Augusto Davila and offers medical services Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. It handles emergencies 24 hours per day. Patients come from 32 nearby communities to the facility where they are treated compassionately and professionally by the staff. Patients pay a small fee for the office visit and for any prescription drugs. If the patient is unable to pay, the services are performed at no charge.